OUR TOP Program

Standard of Satisfactory Academic Progress

Standard of Satisfactory Academic Progress

2 to 4 Year Programs

  • Semester

    Cumulative GPA

  • 1st Semester


  • 2nd Semester


  • 3rd Semester


  • 4th Semester


  • All Subsequent Semesters


9-Month Programs

  • Semester

    Cumulative GPA

  • 1st Semester


  • 2nd Semester


Satisfactory Academic Standing

A student who maintains at the standards of satisfactory academic progress at the conclusion of any academic term is considered to be making satisfactory academic progress at Turtle Mountain College.

Less Than Satisfactory Academic Standing

A student who fails to maintain the standards of satisfactory academic progress at the conclusion of any academic term is considered to be failing to maintain satisfactory progress and will be placed on academic probation, or suspension.

Turtle Mountain College has established the following probation, and suspension procedures:

Academic Probation

After grades are reported at the end of any academic term, a student who fails to meet the Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress will be placed on “Academic Probation.” A student who is on “Academic Probation” may not enroll for more than the 12 credit hours. A student who meets the Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress at the conclusion of that term will be removed from “Academic Probation.” A student who receives an academic probation letter will be required to contact their advisor before registering for next semester.

Academic Probation For Transfer Students

A transfer student who is on academic probation at the institution from which he/she is transferring will be placed on “Academic Probation” at Turtle Mountain College. All of the Turtle Mountain College conditions for “Academic Probation” will apply.

Academic Probation After Incompletes Are Satisfied

When a student satisfies their incomplete(s) after the sixth week in residence and the student’s grade point average is not in compliance with the standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress, he/she will be placed on “Academic Probation.” The student will be after the 6th week that he/she has been placed on “Academic Probation” for the rest of the semester. All of the Turtle Mountain College conditions for academic probation will apply.

Academic Suspension

Any student on “Academic Probation” who fails to maintain satisfactory academic progress according to the Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress or the semester grade point average requirements will be suspended. The suspension will be for one semester. A student suspended from the college is denied the privileges of the institution. The Registrar may re-admit the student who has been suspended once. When this student returns to the institution, he/she will be placed on “Academic Probation.” A student who is receiving Financial Aid should refer to the Financial Aid section of the catalog for eligibility criteria. A student who has been academically suspended more than once must petition the Admissions and Financial Aid Committee when seeking re-admission to Turtle Mountain College. A student who receives an academic probation letter will be required to contact their advisor before registering for next semester.

Academic Suspension After Incompletes are Satisfied

When a student who is on “Academic Probation” receives incomplete(s), the student will be identified by the Registrar before the beginning of the new term. The student will be sent a letter of notification containing conditions for continued enrollment. If the student’s grade-point average is not in compliance with the Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress and/or the semester grade point average requirements when the student’s incomplete grade is satisfied, the student’s registration will be canceled and he/she will be suspended.


Students have an opportunity to reestablish eligibility after one semester (summer semester does not count) has elapsed from the date the student was placed on suspension. The student must submit an application to the admission office when seeking to be readmitted after suspension. A student meeting the semester stop-out requirement will be readmitted on probation and may be limited to take a maximum of 12 credits depending upon approval of readmission. A student who is suspended twice will need to petition the academic affairs commission for readmission, if readmitted an academic success plan will be developed for the student.

For more information, please see the TMC catalog, or visit the Student Services office.