Boozhoo Annin/Tanshi Kiya
Welcome to TMC Faculty Resources!
This page is a consolidated resource page to help familiarize new and existing faculty with procedures and best practices for effective instruction. It contains basic information, policies and processes, as well as references to other TMC documents, both print and electronically accessible, that will be important for your success in teaching your students. Although this page provides pertinent information that you may require, it may not be complete. It should be used along with relevant sources found on the College website (Links of available sources are embedded in the electronic version of these documents), and with other information you may receive from your department chairperson, program coordinator or the TMCC administration. The contents of these handbooks may change as they will be frequently updated. You will be given email notice of such changes. Feedback to the Dean of Academics suggesting additional or updated information will be welcomed.
General Faculty Handbook
This contains information about basic expectations, requirements, and helpful resources for all TMC faculty.
View HandbookDepartment Chair Handbook
This outlines the duties, responsibilities, selection process, and compensation policies for instructional department chairs.
View HandbookResources for the Assessment of Student Learning
This outlines the assessment procedures and timelines at TMC.
Advising Handbook
This contains information and resources to help TMC faculty be successful advisors.
Distance Learning Handbook
This document outlines the requirements and procedures for distance education delivery.
Useful Links
Below is a list of links that may be helpful to faculty and staff at TMC: