The Information Technology Department (ITD) is dedicated to delivering high quality technical service to the students, faculty, staff, and community with timely and professional support. Turtle Mountain Community College Information Technology Department (ITD) provides support services for students and employees. We provide:
• Help Desk
• Single Sign On login questions and password resets
• Computer and printer repair
• Training on Canvas, Google, and Microsoft
• Specialized software including those with disabilities
TMC, in collaboration with Google, Inc., provides a Gmail account for student email. This system features unlimited email storage, enhanced mail search, Instant Messenger chat integration, access to Google Drive and full calendar use:
TMC provides students with access to Microsoft Office 365, which includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote.
After a student is admitted to TMC, the IT Department creates their account with a username in the format first name.last name. The password is sent securely via email or, if necessary, by mail. Students can log in through the TMC website using Single Sign-On (SSO), which allows access to multiple applications with one set of credentials.
All TMC classes use Canvas LMS to enhance student learning, offering tools for course materials, announcements, discussions, tests, and content delivery. While traditional courses use some of these tools, fully online classes may use all of them. An internet link to each online course appears automatically in the student’s personal web portal.
Faculty and students use Cisco Webex and Google Hangouts for web conferencing, enabling live sessions with participants from distant locations. Users can collaborate via chat, voice, video, screen sharing, and an electronic whiteboard.
More Info (Webex)
Blackboard Connect 5 is a communication platform used to send notifications to students, faculty, and staff. It enables mass messaging via phone, email, and text for important updates, announcements, and emergencies.