Registration is conducted each semester. See the academic calendar at the front of the catalog for registration dates. Faculty members are available to advise students during the fall and spring registration periods. Students are informed by mail, media and TMC website about the date, time and place of registration.
Orientation is an organized informational seminar and an important part of the registration process. Orientation is a requirement for new students. At the session, staff and peer mentors present an overview of information for all freshmen and transfer students who intend to enroll for the semester. See the academic calendar at the front of the catalog for the date.
Pre-registration is conducted in the fall and spring semesters for currently enrolled students seeking enrollment for the next term. See academic calendar for pre-registration dates.
All new students are required to take placement tests in the following areas: English, math and science. Students who lack basic skills based upon the results of these tests, will be required to register in appropriate courses. Students will have a one-time opportunity to challenge the test results. See academic calendar for placement test dates.
All students are required to register online. Students who do not have online access can come to the admissions office for assistance. All students will be required to pay a registration fee of $25.00 regardless of how many credits the student registers for in that semester. This fee will be assessed each semester.
1. Each student, with the assistance and approval of an advisor, prepares a schedule of classes. Advisors are assigned based on the degree program in which the student is enrolled.
2. After reviewing the program of study with his/her advisor, the student enrolls in the appropriate classes in the online Jenzabar system.
3. Each student will email their advisors a request for approval through the online registration on Jenzabar. Once the advisor approves the schedule, the student will print a copy of his/her class schedule. If the student has registered for online course(s), they are required to attend the Jenzabar training for that course. Jenzabar training dates will be announced on registration day.
4. The students will then take their schedule to the security office to obtain a student identification card. Students will be required to present the class schedule and student identification card to the bookstore to receive textbooks.
5. The Registrar’s Office will process the student’s registration materials and notify the instructors of the student’s enrollment in class(s).
Changes in registration during the first week of a semester will be classified as a registration adjustment and will be processed by Student Services. The registration adjustment can include course additions, withdrawals, and section changes. Courses dropped within this period will not appear on the student’s record.
*Note: Students who register for classes and do not attend any of the classes within the first week of the semester will be administratively withdrawn from all the courses for that semester.
Adding/dropping of classes can be done in according to the dates shown in the calendar at the beginning of the catalog. The procedures are as follows:
1. Pick up the Add/Drop card from Student Services.
2. Fill in the class(s) added/dropped on the back of the card. Fill in revised class schedule on front of card.
3. Obtain required signatures.
4. Return all books for dropped classes to the Book Store.
5. Return completed card to the registrar. The card will be checked for accuracy and processed.
Students who have attended college elsewhere must notify Turtle Mountain College of all previous enrollments. Students are required to have all official transcripts sent as part of their admissions requirements.
1. Any coursework transferring must meet the same criteria as the courses listed in the TMC Catalog.
2. Transfer courses with a grade of “C” or better will be accepted if they apply to the student’s degree program. Students must contact the Registrar who may consult with the department chair for specific information about what credits may be transferred and how these credits fulfill any degree requirements.
3. Any coursework transferring must meet the same criteria as the courses listed in the TMC Catalog.
4. College Level Examination Program (CLEP): TMCC does not give the CLEP test, but a student may transfer CLEP credits into the institution. (See the Admissions/Records Technician for CLEP information).
5. In order for a transfer student to receive an associate degree/certificate from the TMCC, the institution requires that 30 of the last 60 credits that it awards for a bachelor’s degree, 15 of the last 30 for an associate’s degree, and a minimum of 15 semester hours for a certificate program must be delivered by the institution.
If a student decides that they would like to be admitted to a different program of study before the first day of classes, they may contact the Admission Officer. The decision to make the change will be based on availability of courses and the students academic ability. After classes begin, the student must complete at least one semester of courses coursework before he/she can attempt to switch programs, unless it is before the last day to change program of study as stated in the academic calendar located at the front of the catalog. If the program of study change is approved by the Admissions Officer, the request will be forwarded to Registrar for processing and the student will be mailed a new admittance letter stating the change. A change is not final until the above procedure is complete.
Students who withdraw from all courses taken in a semester will be required to meet with the retention officer before they can return. A student who totally withdraws will receive a “w” for all courses in that semester, unless they withdraw before the last day to add. A student does not withdraw simply by dismissing him/herself for the course. A student who does not formally withdraw may receive the grade of “F” in each course for which he/she was registered. To avoid this, a withdrawal card must be fully processed before or on the last day to drop/withdraw from a class. Students may not withdraw from class(s) after “The last day to drop/withdraw”, without approval of the academic affairs committee (See academic calendar at the front of the catalog for dates).
Students are required to return all textbooks and items checked out from the library at the end of each semester. Students may purchase their textbooks or may have their textbooks purchased for them. Students who do not purchase their textbooks and do not return the textbooks and library material at the end of each semester will have a hold placed on their record. This hold will prevent the individual from registering in subsequent semesters or having a transcript request processed.
A student who registers after the first day of class(s) assumes responsibility for the make-up of missed work at the convenience of the instructor.
Courses with less than 10 students enrolled may be cancelled. Student Services will inform the students and advisors when a course is cancelled. When the institution cancels a course and the student has to add another course, the add/drop card must be filled out (see change of registration section). There is no charge to the student.
The average course load for a regular full-time student is 16 credits with a minimum of 12 credit hours. A student can enroll for a maximum of 19 credit hours. A student who desires to take more hours than the maximum must petition the Academic Affairs Committee to request approval of the overload. A student who carries an overload must hold a cumulative GPA of 2.5. The maximum course load for any student is 24 semester hours. Students on probation will only be allowed to enroll in 12 semester hours of academic credit. First semester students will not be allowed to take more than 19 credit hours. Students who are transfers and wish to take more than 19 credit hours, must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 from their last institution attended.
It is the responsibility of the student to meet the specific participation requirements of each instructor and for the make-up of work missed by absences. No absences are “excused” in the sense of relieving the student of this responsibility.
Dual credit college courses allow students to receive both high school and college credit and are authorized according to the provisions of North Dakota Century Code 28-32-01. High school students can enroll in college or in high school courses and earn credits that count toward high school graduation as well as toward a college certification or degree.
For more information, please see the TMCC catalog, or visit the Student Services office.