OUR TOP Program

Library Policies

Library Policies

Greetings from the Library

In the past few years the library has implemented some changes. These changes were made to help us better serve our patrons.

We have installed a new library system called Destiny. This system lets us use the TMCC student ID cards as our library patron cards. It is required that all library patrons have a library card to check out any material(s) including equipment. The patrons list includes all of the following: student, staff, faculty, and public. There will be absolutely no checking out of any materials or equipment without your library card – NO EXCEPTIONS. If you do not have a card or have lost your card you will need to get a replacement card before you can check-out anything. The library will issue cards to the public for they cannot obtain a student ID through the college unless they are a student.


Keep your Student ID on you at all times. You will not be allowed to check out any materials without it. No Exceptions.

When checking out calculators and cassette recorders we require the library patron’s signature and also when returning the item your signature is required. Do not put these items in the library drop boxes they may get damaged when hitting the bottom of the box.

** Do not lend your equipment to anyone else. If they damage or lose it you are still responsible for it and will have to pay for it.

**Friends and family are not allowed to return the items for you because it requires your signature upon return.

To renew materials that you have checked out, you must do so on or before the date they are due.

Grades and transcripts will be held until all materials and/or equipment are turned in. If lost or damaged then you must make arrangements to pay for the item(s). No Exceptions.

Please do not lend your material or equipment to anyone; it is still in your name. If they damage or lose it you are still responsible for it and will have to pay for it.

Faculty and Staff:

Keep library card with you. You are required to have it when checking out and returning items.

All materials have due dates so please adhere to those dates. If you need something for an entire semester than you will need to make arrangements for those materials. At the end of the semester, you will need to return the material or renew it.

Students will not be allowed to check any material(s) or equipment out for the instructor. The instructor also has to return all material(s) themselves.

Students who are hired for summer programs or academic programs will not be allowed to check out any material(s) or equipment for those programs, the Program Director will need to do so. The reason for this is because if the material(s) or equipment is lost or damaged while checked out by the student that student is responsible for the replacement or cost of the items.

All televisions, DVD players, and VHS players are to be turned in the same day they are checked out. They are not to be left in the classrooms overnight. These items can only be checked out by faculty and staff members of the college.

Any visiting presenters for workshops need to have the assisting TMCC staff or faculty member check out material(s) or equipment to be used for the workshops.

Do not lend out any material(s) or equipment to any other staff, faculty, or students that you have checked out of the library. If you do and that person damages or loses it you will be responsible for the replacement or payment of that item.

Monthly reminders for overdue items will be emailed to staff and faculty. This is so that we can retrieve the items so that other library patrons can use them. If you need an extension on the checked out item(s) you will need to come in and renew it on or before the due date written on the item(s).

When checking in material(s) or equipment do not leave them on the circulation/reference desk and then leave, make sure the librarian checks the item(s) in. Do not drop cassette recorders or calculators off in the Library Book Drop Boxes, you must bring them to the library because a signature is required to turn the items back in.

The library staff will keep you informed of changes if and when they happen. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Circulation Policy

Each person is allowed to check out 5 items at any one time

Books may be checked out for up to 2 weeks

Multimedia such as Audio books, DVD’s, CD’s, VHS tapes may be checked out for 1 week

Periodicals and magazines may be checked out for up to 2 weeks

Nooks, calculators, DVD & Televisions are specifically reserved for students, staff and faculty of TMC

Reference is in-library use only

Lost or damaged items must be paid for or the patron privileges will be suspended; if the patrons are or were students at TMC they must pay for lost or damaged items before their transcripts will be released


The TMC Library is located on the second floor of the college in Room 208. Students, faculty, staff, and members of the community are welcome to use the library. It is designed to provide students, staff, faculty, and community members with publications and audiovisual materials needed for study, research (specifically those with local cultural relevance), and recreational purposes.

The Library hours of operation are:

Academic Year

Monday through Thursday 8:00am to 6:00pm
Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm

Summer Hours

Monday through Thursday 7:00am to 5:30pm
Friday closed

All patrons are required to have a library card before checkout of any materials. Library cards are free, but patrons must present some form of identification to obtain a library card to ensure they are considered a community member. A community member is those people who reside in Rolette County. Checkouts: Patrons may check out 5 items for up to two weeks depending on material type. In certain instances materials may be reserved for students and staff of TMCC. When checking in materials do not leave them on the front reference/circulation desk and leave, make sure that a librarian checks materials in for you. Do not drop calculators or cassette recorders off in the Book Drop Boxes; your signature is needed to turn them back into the library. Grades and transcripts will be held until all materials are turned back into the library. There are absolutely no food or drinks allowed by the computers. Children must be accompanied and supervised by an adult at all times.